Thursday, November 15, 2007

did you know the days have names?

Yes it is true the days have names. Me and my best friend ALEX gave the days delightment for they can be called something else than those BOring so-called names given to them ever so long ago.

Here are the names we picked out special just for them:

  • Monday-talk like a baby
  • Tuesday-sarcastictuesday(i know all those sarcastic people of the world will enjoy this day)
  • Wednesday-weirdo ocxent(accent) day
  • Thursday- like talk like a preppy
  • Friday-deep man voice day man

Yes all you people who love to have different names for different days can copy our tradition that was so newly started.I will let you-just this once- use these names.


Anonymous said...

My little Elena! I guess you're not so little anymore, but you are to me! I'm so glad you have a blog now, and you write so beautifully just like your mama!

P.S. I LOVE sarcastictuesday!

Dana said...

Deep man voice day scared me...

:) Hi sweetie!

Unknown said...

I finally got on your blog! It is so adorable!! I did totally not know the days have names. I am totally out of it! I LOVE, LOVE,LOVE,LOVE,LOVE,LOVE, LOOOOOOOOVE Your Blog! It is so cute! See ya later!

-Shelby K-